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  Teamspeak 3 online !! 06.03.2010

Look at this $hit -|| Panic AttAck !! ||
Last post: Bull=CH=
Board: =Public-Talk=
21.12.2009 - 15:39
Track Mania
Last post: dAn
Board: =Public-Talk=
30.11.2009 - 21:55
Wir Suchen Member!
Last post: Skull=CH=
Board: =Public-Talk=
30.11.2009 - 18:23
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clanwar details

date: 30.11.2009
game / squad: =TMF= Racing Team
opponent: Skull=CH= / Skull=CH=
league: Intern War [matchlink]
maps: Green Tracks
map result
Green Tracks 5 : 5
total 5 : 5
MyClan team: Skull=CH=
Skull=CH= team: Skull=CH=
hltv server:


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#1 by dAn Clanmember 02.12.2009 - 15:09
Avatar   Switzerland offline quote

das schreit nacheme neue feit aber dasmal wükli 1:1 ohni anderi lebewese

#2 by dAn Clanmember 02.12.2009 - 15:10
Avatar   Switzerland offline quote

aber bisch im grund gno schneller gsi! ich muss in vollschter verfassig si zum dich schla, und das isch nöd immer de fall. amused smile

#3 by dfhhgf 04.03.2010 - 03:24
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How should you use this to make more gold?

#4 by yiyi 07.04.2010 - 13:26
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